Cloud Services

Cloud Services

Optimize IT Cost by Smarter Cloud Adoption

The IT Infrastructure industry has seen a major shift in recent years. Gone are the days when Organizations used to buy infrastructure to host their applications. These days rather than owning their computing infrastructure or data centres, companies can rent access to anything from applications to storage from a cloud service provider.

One benefit of using cloud computing services is that firms can avoid the upfront cost and complexity of owning and maintaining their own IT infrastructure, and instead simply pay for what they use when they use it.

Hermes team is helping the customers in their cloud journey from traditional on-premise deployments.

How Hermes can help

Hermes team helps companies reduce their operating costs and increase productivity while improving their cloud adoption by deploying their mission-critical workloads onto the Cloud. Hermes accelerates innovation and helps organizations fully unlock the value received from cloud technology. Supported by a robust ecosystem of technology partners, proven methodologies, and well-documented best practices, Hermes elevates its customers by achieving operational excellence on the cloud, at every milestone of their journey.

We have certified experts in assessing, deploying, migrating, operating and automating enterprise applications, on various Hyperscalers such as AWS, Azure and Google Cloud. The Key Services offered by Hermes Team are

Cloud Assessment

Our Cloud Assessment Services include assessment of applications, architecting, process transformation, cloud migration roadmap development, budgeting and proof of concept development.

Cloud-Native Application Development

Our certified Solutions Architects help customers build or re-engineer great applications using the various cloud services platforms such as AWS, Azure or GCP.

Migration to Cloud Environment

Hermes experts can help customers in App Migration, App re-platforming, app integration, data migration, backup and storage.

Ongoing Maintenance and support

Some of the services provided by Hermes Team are Public and private cloud, monitoring, Server monitoring, Performance – Web portal and application, Network monitoring, Backup monitoring, Log management, Transaction monitoring – if any Patch management and upgrades

Speak to our consultant for a free consultation on how to start