Mobile App Development Singapore

Web Development and mobile app development have come a long way in a very short period and almost all organizations require these for their growth and development.

Like the backend development, the frontend part is also very important in web development as the frontend is visible to the outer world. As per the quote “First Impression is the last impression” is the way of analyzing any web app if it looks good then the person wants to spend some time over there otherwise they did not want to use it in anyhow.

So the web app which will be in use should look good and attractive for the customer to meet his requirements. So, to make it looks better and attractive we need some frontend tools so that it can be easily and designed and created to make it looks better.

As far as the tools are concerned it is increasing day by day in this era.
So, which tools are reliable and best to use? This is the main concern among the developers, So here we are having some of the best tools for usage in frontend development.

The Tools Used in Frontend development.

1. Sublime Text / VS Code (Text Editor):

So let’s start with the Text Editor first as it is one of the basic requirements for any type of development and here we spent our max of time for the development as all the codes and script are written here only.
These two text editors are the best one in the market nowadays for the frontend development, as it provides lots of extension inbuilt which makes the development easier.
It’s free and no registration or any kind of fees are required to start with simply download and install it and start CODING!

2. Chrome Developer Tools:

Ok, So till now we wrote the code in the text editor and using that we can run those files in any of the web browsers and mostly Google Chrome is preferred as it allows the users to use its developer tools, which gives us the editing of the HTML and CSS code in the browser itself in the run-time environment, along with that we can measure the performance of the website as the side and the network tools also helps a lot to the developer.

It’s the largest using platform so google also understands this and makes an update to this every 6 weeks which gives ease to the developers also.

3. jQuery:

We all heard about JS(JavaScript) which is a highly used frontend language by the developers but it has some browser inconsistency and somewhere it is quite complicated and little unreachable syntax.
But after 2006, the birth of jQuery solves this issue as its quite simple and lightweight to the users which aimed to solve and simplifies the developer’s issues.

It also allows for the animation and the other plugins, it’s the most popular js library in the existence.

4. GitHub:

Taking a condition – You’re a developer and you wrote some code and develop some important part of the application and somehow next day you saw some errors and loss of code due to the system failure then that’s the biggest nightmare for any developer.

So to overcome these situations the VCS (Version Control System) is used for every project that is under development so that if we develop anything and got some issue then we can roll back to the previous state easily, and the loss of code due to the system failure or anyhow can not happen.

Using this we can manage many people at the same time who is working on the same project.

5. Bootstrap:

For any frontend developer writing the same styling and code for the containers and sections are quite a boring job, so to overcome this the bootstrap library is the best option for any developer to use to make it interesting.

By using this, no need to rewrite the same code and the styling, again and again, it automatically gives us the styling according to the class which we choose.

If you are looking for a mobile app developer Singapore please connect with us. We offer development at the cost offered by a freelance. For freelance web development Singapore feel free to connect with us.

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