As the time is passing the technology always step forward in a massive manner to give us something which can be possible by us only, so as the web development and mobile app development which gives us some good and better product at the end.

In the previous decade, the question for the application on the browsers was a big question mark for us but the applications like Facebook and Netflix, etc make a change into it and proven that the browser applications can be made to make an ease to the user to some extent of a level.

So now in the present times, lot changes occurred in the market of web development new things came in front and many old vanished away due to the low performance in comparison to the new ones.

Some of the tools which are being used in this modern era are:

1. Code and Text Editors.

Any development can not be done without this so this is one of the main factors for any web development process so choosing a correct editor is the main task for web development.

Some of the editors who are being in use in the modern era are :

1. Visual Studio Code
2. Atom
3. Sublime Text
4. Notepad ++

These are some of the text editors which is demanding in the market currently.

2. Web Application Framework

The second most important factor for web development for freelance web developer Singapore is the framework that has to be chosen for initializing the development work.
Nowadays the framework plays an important role, which is the best part of web development and it gives us the developer more ease to develop a good web app.

Some of the popular frameworks which are on-trend for web development are the following:

1. Django
2. Nodejs
3. Angular
4. Reactjs

The main part is the security and the load taking factor for the web app that, which is reliable for taking it. The second most important factor for web development is the framework that has to be chosen for initializing the development work.
Nowadays the framework plays an important role, which is the best part of web development and it gives us the developer more ease to develop a good web app.

3. Front-End Frameworks

Another name for it is the CSS Framework mainly it is also like one of a leg in the chair which supports chair to be at stand position.
So it plays a major role over here as it is the only way to beautify the web app for a fancy or modern look which can attract more and more people.

Some of the frameworks which are trending nowadays:

1. Bootstrap
2. Materialize
3. Semantic UI
4. Foundation

These are the CSS framework which can be used to change a lookover of any web app.

4. Package Manager

The package manager also plays an important role to automate the process of installing, upgrading, configuring, and removing any particular computer program.
Mainly its use is to locate and download the package that the developer needed for the development.

Some of the package managers are:

1. Yarn
2. Pip
3. NPM

These are some of the package managers that are using nowadays.

5. Git Clients

The git clients are used to connect with the team of the developer to make their code at a single place and can change accordingly for a safe side.

Some of the Git Clients are:

1. Github Desktop
2. Gitkraken
3. SourceTree
4. SmartGit

6. API & Testing cloud tools

In many of the web apps the rest APIs are there which is responsible for the data manipulation and some time to connect with the front end as well, so to test those APIs we need some smart tools to test it so that we can develop the app error-free.

Some of them are:

1. Postman
2. REST-Assured
3. Lambda Test

These are some of the cloud tools which can be used for APIs testing.

7. Collaboration Tools

Team collaboration is very important for a good result of any product so that a team can connect with each of the members.

Some of the applications which can be used:

1. Asana
3. Zoom
4. Slack

These are the applications that can be used over here.

So at the end with the help of these 7 factors website development company Singapore can easily develop the modern type of web application which results in a massive product.

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